Ingredients:1 pack chicken carcass (2 pieces) $1.52
2 packs chicken feet (12 pieces) $1.60
1 pack fish head (5 pieces) $1.95
1 tomato $0.15
1 onion $0.25
1 potato $0.20
1 sweet corn $0.50
Total cost: $6.17
If want to eat as a full meal, then the above is enough for 2-3 people. If just wanna drink the soup (like one small bowl each), then its enough for 4-5 people.
Recipe:1. Cut away the skins and fats from the chicken carcass.
2. Wash everything nicely, and with salt if necessary (especially those bloody parts)
3. Blanch the chicken parts and feet.
4. Chop off the nails from the feet, and strip off any yellow colored stuff on the feet.
5. Cut potato into 4 pieces.
6. Break corn (of course must remove the leafy and hairy stuffs from it first! Wash it clean.) into 2.
7. Fish heads can put inside bowl, with ginger shreds to remove fishy smell (covered with cling wrap) and put inside fridge for later use.
8. Arrange the corn, potato, chicken carcass and feet inside pot. Depending on your pot, and how many people wanna drink this stuff, add 2-3 large bowls of cold water inside, cover the pot and wait for it to boil.
9. Boil until the soup smell comes out (like about 10 minutes) then switch to low heat.
10. Cut tomato into 4 and add into soup.
11. After 10 minutes, add the fish heads, and add a little salt for taste.
12. Boil with high heat for another 10 minutes (with the lid lifted a little to allow the steam to escape from the pot).
13. Turn off the heat, and allow the soup to simmer gently on its own for about 20 minutes.

using rice cooker to cook soup

end product
Serve the soup and make a chili padi soya sauce dip for the meats.
Afterthoughts:The soup turn out to be quite oily so had to remove the oil along the way as well. Probably remaining fats from the chicken carcass + skin from chicken feet adds up to the oily factor.
Also added too much water, 'coz I thought the water will evaporate but this cooker very good, it retained all the water and hence had to add a little bit of salt to bring out the taste. Fish head, is for fun. Also quite nice to eat when its soft but don't overcook it.