Just had a thought. When we use Google or any internet search engine, it functions as an aggregator of information, which means it returns related stuffs to our query. Imagine, if this can be taken a step further, where instead of just aggregating, it does further analysis and returns a result best suited to our needs/situation etc. Sounds like an oracle, right?
I would think, anything is possible since information are tracked and stored for future use. The basis of useful information, would be there must be a link, a relationship of some sort between those data.
Everyone wants to be understood, it is a good feeling. Spouses complaints about how the other party is not showing the kind of understanding that he/she would like to have. Imagine if you feel the entire digital world has a pretty good understanding of you, your likings and preferrences. Imagine you can ask the entire world anything that you want and instead of having to sieve out the responses from everybody else, something out there is able to do that for you and gives you its opinion.
Imagine, your learning journey being tracked and analysed and gives you feedback on the whether the skills acquisition is adequate, or whether the personality suits the intended path and gives you feedback on adjustment required.
Imagine if you're governing a country, and the country management dashboard is able to show population skillset categories in health, military, education, finance, general care management etc. Happiness level of each population area, reasons for their happiness/unhappiness etc.
The ideal world, in digital form. Would we be here, to see it?