

16 August, 2006

anime anyone?

I liked Jubei Chan 2 - The Siberia Yagyu. Very nice graphics and fighting scenes.. but frankly speaking, I like any anime when the hero is a girl! *LOL*

DNAngel also not bad. But I don't like the "Sayuki Reload" stuffs...

Now the TV showing "Magical Girl Nanoha", so Sunday is not only foodie day (lots of food programmes) but also an anime day!

Also happened to catch an episode of Teen Titans last week... and at first thought when I saw Raven.. was... eeek, so hideous! Well, that's my first impression. Anyway, I sat through the whole entire episode and it was... quite good! Raven was actually quite cool! More to American style and the humor not bad... subtlely good~

Here's the link to more anime wallpaper.