

23 February, 2008

out with the old, in with the new

throwing stuffs like nobody's business...
actually, i'm very very bad with my $$$...
looking at the things that i'm having and NOT using...
wow... i'm officially a wastrel *boo hoo hoo*

accumulated so many stuffs, from 1995 until now.
still have those NTU hall 1 publication committee t-shirts (of what use leh? no use one lor!)

my brother told the movers we have about 15 boxes... err, he forgot that when i moved in from Serangoon North, I brought 15 boxes of stuffs with me.. so now, his plus mine will equal about like 50? hahah! Probably like 20+

i'm actually quite stressed this week... own module must complete by Monday, think boss have another urgent thing for us to do as well. Then at home must complete packing by... tomorrow? else where got time!? 28th moving already! Arghhhhh! Then new house, need to see what's missing then buy. No washing machine, no ironing board, no fan.. So dun be surprised if you see me the week after, with super crumply smelly clothes