

16 March, 2009


I have always wondered how does a lemon merringue pie taste like ever since I saw one Donald Duck comic and in it, they had lemon merringue pie. Heh, my childhood stuffs. So Gina graciously baked some (after like 1000 times of pestering her).

lemon merringue pie

lemon merringue closer view

The taste is not quite like what I imagined it to be though...

Gina had also prepared some dough 'coz she wants to bake some buns. Obviously, I also want to join in the fun and made funny shaped buns!

bun in the oven

my 'currypuff' shaped bun is bursting out!

insides of the bun

baker cum photographer cum Gina

final product

Heh, Gina.. maybe I should upload the video too! ;P



wah lau!!! do not *BEEP* uploading the video! LOL!

Eh i baked another batch of buns today.. this time I rem to put butter... and it WAS SOFT!!!! LOL

purple taste

Actually, the video quite cute.. with the conversation and all.. ;)