

04 November, 2009

people that we meet

In life, we have the opportunity to meet and interact with various people. Some a fleeting encounters, others we see one another on a more constant basis. Although a person has own traits, some of these may not be revealed till a triggering event happens.

I've had the opportunity to know of some people who always assumes. Yes, we all know the old adage of assumptions which will be making an ass out of u and me. Obviously. But there are people who simply assumes. Are assumptions a bad thing? In lab experiments, usually there are some assumptions made. However, if the assumption is not based on any known facts, and after assumption made and no further checks were done to verify, then it sure spells trouble.

I've also known people who always give excuses. But mind you, in their own opinion, that is their way of reasoning. In short, they think they are doing the right thing. So in that person's mind, he/she will be trying to justify the reason for his/her inaction/action etc.

We cannot control other people's behaviour/thoughts. Not sure whether we want to or not haha! But we can be mindful of our own. We're not saints after all, but we can learn to be better person.