

05 September, 2010

2010 E!VA萧亚轩WOW世界巡回演唱会

Was at the Singapore Indoor Stadium yesterday for the concert. Got the balcony seats but not too shabby as it's facing direct and not a side viewed seat...

waiting... still early

The show started at about 830pm, so that's about just half hour delay.

stadium lights dimmed, stage lights on!

Elva revealed

The show opened with energetic songs, and it was dancing non-stop. After that, there's a change on stage.

After all the dancing, it was time for a segment of a medley of slow songs.

Amongs the songs sung that night were 最熟悉的陌生人,闪闪惹人爱, 钻石糖, 我要的世界, cappucino, 蔷薇, 地下铁, 爱的主打歌, WOW and many more.

think this was Justin Timberlake's song

some mini pyrotechnics

Elva off the stage to shake hands with fans

asking for encore

After encore, the theme song for the concert ,WOW.

thanking audience and saying byebye

But the sound system for the concert was quite bad. Way too loud and distorted!