

14 June, 2013

Beijing Experience Part III

It was after lunch and we were walking towards the MRT. An elderly lady was pushing her bicycle and she has two dogs following her plus one more in her bicycle's basket. Thought the dogs looked exotic, so was snapping their pictures.

Talked to the lady abit (I called her 阿姨) and she was more than happy to share information about her dogs. Turned out the brown dog was a stray that she picked up. She said the dog was in very bad condition initially and now, he has healed somewhat. But can see that the brown dog tires easily and sometimes will have spasm where its head twitched uncontrollably for a short while.
formerly stray
pure-bred pekingnese

Keke, tried my conversational Mandarin on a local. Not bad, quite fun! =P

Eventually, we managed to get to Tiananmen Square. Huge, huge place.

touristry shot

Ok, I lost my colleagues while we were there. Too busy snapping pictures till can't see them anymore. And there wasn't any phone signal either.

panoramic shot (an inkling of how huge that area is)

Fortunately, managed to reunite after half hour search. From that day onwards, I was known as the one who went missing.

Forbidden City outer gate

Forbidden City was literally forbidden as it wasn't open on a Monday. From there, we proceeded to the Donghuamen Night Market, enroute to Wangfujing (Princes' Manor?).

BBQ seafood stalls at Donghuamen Night Market
sellers of Xinjiang lamb skewers

Wanted to try the braised intestine, but somehow ended up with a bowl of unrecognizable porky parts. Worse, it didn't look quite cooked...Took a few bites of the braised tofu and abit of intestine before passing the bowl to my colleagues who didn't mind. Fear factor... The lamb skewer was more acceptable but I think our satay tastes better...

The food stalls kept recurring. Not sure why they needed so many stalls that sells the same stuffs...

Wangfujing is very much like Orchard Road. One can find mid to high end retail stores there.

retail shops at Wangfujing
night fall


Mahaishis Kusuma

WOW. it's amazing!!! i was there in my dream last night.