

10 September, 2006

oyster noodle?

bought a packet of the taiwanese rice vermicelli (mian xian), and tried to make oyster noodle for lunch today. hmm... well, haven't run to the toilet yet, so i guessed it was alright bah...

but i think i will go try the real stuffs someday, coz if i don't know what it was supposed to taste like, then it'll never get improved.

oyster (couldn't find any fresh ones, so used the frozen ones instead)
marinate oyster in mirin + soy sauce and starch for about 15 minutes

cook the noodles just like instant noodles.. instructions says cook for about 6 minutes.. but my brother said it was supposed to taste softer... so i guess next time need to cook longer. i added in the oyster at the 4th minute but i also poured the whole marinate sauce in as well, that's why it was too salty!

before serving, add the pre-blanched vege and fish cake and sprinkle spring onions to garnish (was suppose to use cillantro)

hmm.. maybe next time can put some meat in as well.



Where's the picture? How come no picture one? :(

purple taste

too ugly to show, that's why no picture...