

24 May, 2013

daiso goodie

Been having the new camera for a while now. Been wanting to put a layer of screen protector but couldn't find any till recently. Found one at Daiso ION...I think. Can't really remember.

$2 only
ready for operation

Read the instructions or rather, just glanced at the graphics and proceeded confidently. I mean, how difficult can it be? It states, to peel off the film. So I did. Then became puzzled when the film didn't stick onto the screen before realizing that I tried to stick the wrong film! Scrambled to recover the sticky film which by now had been carelessly lying on the bed (and with the wrong side down!) and hence, some tiny thread or dust had stuck to a corner of the sticky film...Tsk tsk!

peel this off and discard this
Didn't want to waste the money so stuck it on anyways.

ok, so the handiwork wasn't top notch...

Underestimated the camera screen. Perhaps a 3.3 inch would be better to cover the entirety of the screen plus its sides?