

25 December, 2007

clay (non-bake)

Was at Art Frenzy yesterday and had a chance to do something with non-baking kind of clay. So took some pictures of the somewhat finished product? Haha, very tiring you know...

insect farm: yellow mushroom + flower view

insect farm: backview of lady bug + snail
ps: notice the pink flower had some black trimmings on some of its petals? That's the shadow effect.. *lol*

insect farm: side view of smiling lady bug
ps: notice the blue drop next to the flower? That's the morning dew on the flower's leaf *LOL*

insect farm: snail and lady bug front view

First time making such things... well, the last time I did something like this was using plasticine.. and that was during kindergarten time? Muahahhaha! Anyway, was fun and it took about 1 hour plus plus, I think. As you can see from the pictures, at the end of it, I had gotten lazier... and just threw in one orangy flower that is kinda out of the theme with the rest of the stuffs.

Probably next time, can advance to making something with those baking kind of clay?


Sheryl W

Hi, the snail and lady bird look so pretty!! I love the colors that you have choosen for them!

purple taste

Haha, thank you... the snail's color was chosen by Penny :)