

03 September, 2012

night photography

Tagged along with a friend who just purchased an Olympus micro four-third camera for night photography to test the new camera. I'm using my same old same old Canon A2000 IS, so the expectation is lower.

Exited from Esplanade, and there was a rock performance so here's two shots of it.

rock performance
rockin' it

Then, from Esplanade, there's the CBD skyline so took a few shots as well.


Then, just in time for the MBS light performance so took a couple of those.

Since we're nearby the Gardens By the Bay, we walked over there to take a peek.

moon by The Gardens

Had to borrow the tripod for the Garden's shot 'coz couldn't find any surface to put the camera on. Not too shabby performance from Canon A2000 IS, right?