

20 November, 2006

preparation for the new arrival

i thought i'd never rear any hamsters again after the last one dieded... but well, things have been buzzing around ever since last weekend. Went to scout for a small cage (coz now its the first time i'm rearing dwarf hamsters... but hor, i read from the internet that black bear is actually campbell breed.. not dwarf.. hmmm.. don't know!) So anyway, went to Pet Station in Causeway Point. Didn't like the cages found in Pet Lovers Centre, as either it was too big, too expensive or they have wires (which makes way too much noises when the hammie starts to chew on them!) Anyway, managed to find one cage meant for rodents and mices (hmmm...hopefully it won't attract the real ones! yikes!). From Taiwan it said (i mean the cage of course!). Well, as long as it is within my budget. Got it for $16++ but somehow got discount so ended up paying $17+ for one medium sized cage and a small hand carry container. Last time I bought Habitrail cage and now i looked at that price ($40), nearly fainted. Why? Coz the last Habitrail cage i actually threw it away when the last hammie dieded. *sob sob*

But, couldn't find the Carefresh beddings (grey colored recycled paper type that was quite popular two years back) there so today went shopping at Pet Lovers again. Asked the sales guy and he recommended cat litter... Cat litter leh! Hmm.. anyway, he said nowadays that's what people are using for the hamster bedding and so i bought one packet (6 litre) to try lor. Also bought hammie food and hammie wood block for them to chew (dun chew my new cage can liao!). Anyway, wood block for chewing is so lame. Can just use ice cream stick I suppose...

Will update the pictures once the camera's batteries are recharged. The stupid batteries will actually go flat very fast(whether u use or dun use).... dunno why also.



WHEEEE!!! SO CUTE!!! DId u buy the bathing powder?? The last time I went to a pet shop, the owner showed me how to bathe a hamster~~ without water cos they catch a cold easily. SO CUTE!!! I was SOOO tempted to buy~

purple taste

haven't buy yet.. last time my hamster all bathed water one... but this time round cannot, coz dwarf.. last time i had 4 campbells and 1 syrian. Syrians are tamer and looked more innocent :P