view from our table
The black pig ramen lunch set (@$13.80++) is only available during weekdays, so had to order something else. He ordered the black pig nabe (@$18.80), while I chose the black pig rice with ginger (@$18.80) in hot stone (like bibimbap kind but without the egg in the center). Side dish was one stick of black pig with leek yakitori (@$4.80). Click here to read the review.
udon soup
ginger rice
After lunch, went to look look see see what's in Central. Basement got Petit Provence, so bought some Pon (cheese ball thingie), Cream and Chocolate Wassant (some croissant thingie). Haven't eat yet, so don't know what they taste like. Marcial Kobe mini doughnuts are really tiny. There's this shop opposite Lao Zhao Pai that sells stuffs from Japan (similar to Lao Zhao Pai concept), so if anyone suddenly got craving for the shiroi koiibito choc de langue.. can get from that shop. There's also a Jap grocery shop called Yamakama.
After that, went to Vivocity and had a belgian mocha (or was it latte?) @ Haagen Daaz.
belgian mocha
chitty chitty bang bang car at Vivo
After that, decided to go Sentosa to burn off some calories. So took the sky train there. Below are some random picture @ Sentosa:
jungle trail.. but no la, never go in
hey, look what i found.. a trapeeze!
cafe del mar
some flora... i kinda like this picture
walked this stretch of road...
there were trees...
lifeguard post
some kind of statue
entrance to the hanging bridge
was at the southernmost point of asia continent
nightfall approaching...
Oh ya.. saw Ix Shen (should be him.. else its someone who looks an awful lot like him) playing beach volleyball as well... and yeah, he has a hot bod!