

15 July, 2006

Current Playlist

Here are some of the songs that I'm listening to at the moment:

1. Fort Minor's Where'd you go
2. Tanya Chua's 深信不疑
3. S.H.E's 觸電
4. Gary Cao's 刮目相看
5. Jun Yang's 沙沙的谁

I like the catchy chorus for "Where'd you go" and "深信不疑". You know, those things that can keep playing in your head. Of couse, S.H.E's new song is what I look forward to as one of their fans. Currently this song is also enjoying ample playtime on yes933, which may or may not be a good thing because too much of it might turn people off instead. For Gary's song, it was the theme song for the TV series "CID", which ended its run like about a week or two ago. Very nice song. Jun Yang's song also not bad, easy on the ears with good pop value. All his fans will not be disappointed, especially those legion of young females! (Although I don't quite understand the title... what does 沙沙的谁 means? Sha Sha who?!)



沙沙 is a person's name is it?

purple taste

no idea.. you gotta ask JY bah!


LOL~ well... if 沙沙 is a name... then the name of the song is basically asking who's the person related to 沙沙 ma...