

17 February, 2008

basic necessity

The hunt for an apartment to stay in, has intensified. Rent is horrible, inflation rate is sky high, stocks took a tumble, budget goodies not applicable and pay still remains the same.

So, we're really in a corner now. Rent for this month has increased to $2K (which is really bo hua because only have 29 days this month and 10 days in this month we were back home in M'sia). Next month, it'll be $2.8K. Haha, obviously owners are enjoying higher returns for their investment now. Imagine 2 ppl paying for $2.8K, that will be $1.4K each excluding utilities! Pengz...

For us mere mortals who had dilly dallied in getting our own property, and have to rely on rented ones... we are feeling the squeeze now. To buy property now, not only it is much more expensive as compared to just a year ago, you have to pay about $26-$30K in cash.

So for now, we really need to look into getting a unit that is going to be available immediately (which is not likely to happen, so have to settle for 1st March earliest), budget between $1.3K-$1.6K, areas between CCK and Tiong Bahru (north west or west areas are fine..) and must have 2 bedrooms (can't expect me to stay in same room as brother bah?! eeek!) And hopefully, no bad things had happened in that flat before... (eeekss!)

So wish us luck! (and if you got any lobang.. do let me know also, thanks!)