

18 November, 2010


Yesterday, I was fine. This morning, the eczema acted up. I think, I might be allergic to.... work.

Why or what do we work for? To earn more money? To earn more money for? For survival? For our food, lodging and clothing? According to Maslow's Hierachy of Needs, all basic human survival instinct is to fulfil these basic stuffs first.

By earning a basic salary and provided we adhere to the formula of expenditure must be less than income, then we're ready to look at the next level of needs, which is sense of security. What makes us feel secure? A stable job? The knowledge that the bank has reserves enough for rainy days? (experts gauge this should be around 6 times of monthly expenses)

Aha.... revelation! No wonder, I am feeling some degree of anxiety. Career wise, it has entered unchartered and choppy waters... So sense of security has been eroded. The next tier concerned with a sense of belonging, which in turn is closely knitted with the self-esteem tier. Nowadays, it is really minimum interaction with fellow human beings. Thank goodness there's still virtual communication via MSN, text messaging etc. Still... sanity is at stake! Someone should do a social experiment on this and study what is the effect of prolonged isolation from face-to-face interaction. Even immates in jail can see and talk to other fellow immates, I guess?

Do I belong anywhere? I don't know. At this rate that I am going, I ain't gonna achieve self-actualization! Uh-uh.. not in this lifetime! Haha.

Writing about it doesn't change a thing. Or maybe it does.. who knows? Nowadays, no one can be sure of anything...