

12 May, 2012

our world

Read this piece of news today. A SG couple stole packet drinks and packs of rice from a convenience store. More interesting fact, the guy decided to steal because he ran out of drinks in his fridge. What???

The guy an aeronautical engineering student from Imperial College (that's like quite a prestigious college in England, yes?) and the girl, a law grad. Double what??!

Ok, cool. Let's not be judgemental. But what were they thinking. Or rather, did they not think for a moment of what they were about to do?

Apprently, it was reported that the guy had ADHD and depressive disorder. Hmmm, so these could potentially be contributing factors but what about his girlfriend then? Maybe just an impulse? But it was also stated that they tried to forge receipts after the theft was discovered. Doesn't that show a calculated move? Humans sure are complicated.

On paper, it looked like these two are throwing away their potentially good future. Or maybe, these two really need some serious help.

But more shockingly, was a piece of news from abroad where a 'friend' killed a mom and her daughter and abducted another two girls (daughter of the mom that was killed) which thankfully, were found alive but weak and hungry. This man later shot himself as he was surrounded by police.

Has our world always been this chaotic? With all the technological advancement and the amount of knowledge that we try to cram into our heads, how come we are not changing for the better?

Are humans born good or evil?