

03 April, 2006

a cute appendics

I've been missing from action lately. Why? Because my cute appendics decided to act up one day. Oooh... I wanna share this experience with you, so that next time, in case (but touch wood la) it happens to you (choi choi choi!). Well, it could happen to anyone as long as you still got ya appendics inside your body!

It all started innocently enough. On 16th morning, I thought I had a tummy ache as I kept going to the toilet. But I thought to myself that this doesn't seem to be like the normal diarrhea that I'm quite prone to. So I went to work with this funny feeling. By 10.30am, I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. The stomach was feeling quite bloated. So by 1pm, I took half day off to rest at home. On my way back, I still managed to take-away a bowl of fish soup.

After lunch, I was still feeling unwell so I decided to take a nap. By 6pm, my stomach has this dull pain at the center. So I went to see a doctor around 6.30pm. He diagnosed it as stomach flu. So I went home, took the prescribed medication. Didn't eat dinner as the feeling of bloatedness continued. Around 10pm, I started to vomit and by 2 am, I had emptied the entire content of my stomach. I didn't 'lao sai' though, so I began to suspect that it was not stomach flu.

By the next morning, I was beginning to feel pain on the lower right side of the abdomen. But decided to take a cup of Milo and sleep it through. Continued to vomit slightly after taking the drink, so I was getting worried. As the clinic was closed after 12pm, I waited until 2pm before I went to consult the doctor again. Managed to walk to the clinic (which was about 10 minutes from my home) but I was early. So I decided to try my luck and take papaya-apple juice. Of course I was worried that I couldn't hold it down, so I managed to drink half a cup.

After explaining the situation to the doc and he pressed pressed here and there. His face changed and he made the 'tsk tsk' sound. He said, "I'll write you a letter so you can go the A&E. As you came yesterday, we won't charge you for today's consultation." I was like, "Is it appendics?" and he nodded. I took the letter and walked home after that. Didn't know whether I was to go now or later. Looking back now, I think it is the thought of not knowing what is happening to yourself that is more scary. It was not so much of the physical pain, but the mental anguish of not knowing exactly what is going on. So once I know I was having appendics problem, I felt relieved.

Wah... wrote so much... so will continue with the adventure next time. Till then, take care!