

18 July, 2009

Orchard Road


arty farty stuff?

The landscape of Orchard has new additions! As I walked around Wisma, Tangs and Taka, I found quite a number of good looking people (youngsters!) on a Friday night. Saw a bunch of people sitting inside the Tangs glass window, and found out they were having a blogathon. I suaku leh... what's a blogathon? A blog marathon lor, I suppose. Haha! Anyway, click here to see their postings and this event is held in conjunction with the soon-to-be-launched Lenovo Ideapad U350. Speaking of this Lenovo thingy, they had the showgirls in front of Tangs. So I also went up to them to get a leaflet to see wat's the config and stuffs. You know what... I think the showgirls were expecting guys to be more techie or something, 'coz I stood in front of her and she didn't hand me a pamphlet till like her colleague gave her an eye signal. What? I cannot buy laptop isit? Tsk tsk...



hahahahahhaa~ maybe they were just waiting to approach guys la~