

24 March, 2010

beautiful flowers

During my Japan trip, our hotel was located quite near the MRT. Every morning, we would walk from our hotel and cross the street towards the MRT.

One of the things that we often noticed was the trees or plants or flowers along the sidewalk. Along the cemented ground, there would be spaces allocated for flower beds. Lionel my young travelling companion once commented, "Wah.. the flowers so beautiful!" :)

On one particular cold morning, as usual we came out of our hotel, and walked along the street towards the MRT. Just then, there was this lady walking her dog. Our paths crossed and the lady and her pet dog stopped just right at the beautiful flower patch. Her dog smelled the plants a little and decidedly lowered its buttock and began dropping its poop onto the flower bed. I nudged Lionel and said, "That could be the reason why the flowers grew up so beautifully.."

Perhaps in life, sometimes we need shit to happen to serve as a catalyst for our growth...



How true.. and shit happens everywhere!:D