

03 February, 2011

hoppity hop

It's the Year of the Rabbit! Woohooo~ May Happiness be Multiplied, And there be an Abundance of Joy, Good Health and Prosperity!

We had simple dishes for reunion dinner; roasted chicken, leek with fried tofu, steamed grouper fish and roasted pork. Then by about 9pm, we had to bring in Bobby, my sister's pet dog, into the house. She's a full grown adult dog (that looked abit like a wolf) but had the courage of a ... hahaa, mouse? She was trembling and whining from all the fireworks that were set off around the place where we stayed. We didn't light any crackers ourself, but enjoyed the free fireworks display from nearby houses.

After dinner, it was last minute cleaning up time. My mom washed the porch, while my bro took care of the kitchen floor and I mopped the living room area and rooms. My sis took care of the cooking for our next day breakfast, Cantonese vegetarian dish.

Happy Lunar New Year, peeps!