

16 November, 2012


Why sukiyaki? Because it's a one-pot-cooks-all kind of meal. My kind of meal! Hahaha!

1. Wong bok or chinese cabbage, or any vegetables that you fancy
2. Thinly sliced meat with some fats (I used pork belly, otherwise can use beef for shabu shabu)
3. Mushrooms (golden mushrooms, shimeji, or whatever that you like)
4. Chikuwa, or fishcake or yong tau foo (anything that you fancy, just to have some variety)
5. Grilled tofu (or any other tofu that you like) - Optional
6. Negi (or chinese leek) - forgot to buy, so don't have this today

raw ingredients

For sauce:
1. Mirin
2. Light soy sauce
3. Sugar
4. Sake

But, looking at the price of Mirin (which costs like some $6 to $7 per bottle), I've opted for a cheaper alternative; the Sukiyaki sauce.


sukiyaki sauce
downside is... MSG alert!
it promises to be easy, with tasty end results!

Well, didn't really check the ingredients in the sauce till after I've reached home. As my home used to use Ajinomoto when we were kids, so I guessed that I'm not alergic to MSG...except to be thirsty thereafter...

The preparation before cooking was just get some water boiling in the cooking pan, or a pot. Cut and wash the vege and mushroom. Cook the vege stem in the boiling water and add some of the sukiyaki sauce. When stem has soften, add the rest of the vege and mushrooms. Wash the pork belly and add it last. Add some more sukiyaki sauce over the meat and simmer till meat is thoroughly cooked.

pork belly sukiyaki

finished the vege, now the meat!
clear soup
tasty, but it has MSG (and it rhymed...)

Pork belly was really nice...Tender yet retained some chewiness and the fats just fills the mouth. Yumms. Next round, hmmm...wagyu beef?