

31 December, 2012

in retrospect

A year has passed without any major mishap. Grateful that family are in good health. Thankful to have good friends around. Happy that everyone is doing well.

On the personal front, it has been uninspiring. Experienced a whole load of negative feelings and there are still some that couldn't be shaken off, yet.

Is life as I imagined it to be? I don't know man. I really don't know. When I was younger, there wasn't much thought put in as to what life was going to be. Have always thought that somehow, it'll just straighten itself and everything will work out. Doesn't seemed like that now.

Sounds like a downer, right? What a vicious cycle.

It'd be interesting to see how 2013 will turn out to be. But that will also depends, on how I'll make it to be. Reality is seriously, biting me on my butt.

Happy New Year everyone. Happy. New. Year.