

16 February, 2013

meteorite explodes over Russia

On 15th Feb 2013 (Friday), a meteorite entered Earth and exploded over Russia causing injuries to some 1000 people.

Read more from this link

On the same day, an asteroid 2012 DA14 of about 150 feet wide (about 45 metres), swept past Earth with its closest approach that was 22000 miles away from Earth. It was said that if an asteroid of DA14 size do hit the earth, it will not wipe us out but could've flatten an entire city.

Read more from this link.

Aliens, space, planets, galaxies etc. All very interesting topics. If meteorites, asteroids or comets should come, the hope is that it will land somewhere in our oceans or desserts. If not, well...

Live now and live it well. Treat everyone, like how you would like to be treated yourself.