

14 March, 2013

Gantetsu @ Ramen Champion Bugis+

Tried Gantetsu's Hokkaido King Tonkotsu ramen today.


beep beep~

Sat at the counter and observed the kitchen. Chef Masaki doesn't cook nowadays. The local kitchen assistants (one lady and one man) would assemble the orders and Masaki-san mans the order counter. I turned around and observed Taishoken and saw that its Japanese chef would still cook/assemble the ramen.

beary interesting

Hokkaido King Tonkotsu ramen (@$14+)

Not sure, but the tonkotsu ramen does look like miso ramen now, doesn't it?

curly egg noodles
aji tamago
super lean chashiu

The noodles were al-dente, the soup alright not too salty although it has a grainy taste/texture. Wonder if its potatoes in the soup? Otherwise, grainyness can only come from miso, yes? But I thought I had pork bones broth...
Chashiu were way too lean and tough. The eggs can be better in terms of marination (slightly longer or stronger marinade) and if only the yolk slightly more runny.

However, still ate it all up. Don't waste food.

completed my meal