

25 September, 2013

new experience

Never experienced this before. It all started with a headache. Which eventually developed into a fever, that led me spend two-thirds of my day sleeping.

The next day, took aspirin so that actually made me feel better. Body ache, lethargy so naturally thought that more rest should do. Went to bed early, only to awake at 130am by bouts of coughing. Went to the toilet and instead of coughing phlegm, ended up emptying the content of my stomach. Ugh. That sure sucked since it is a working day. Napped for a few hours then went to the office as usual.

Monday started with meeting. Talked abit. Then, with submission deadline looming on Wednesday, decided to check on the project to see if PM has returned with information. Turned out he says it wasn't his job. So had to call another person. Then the other person says he can't do it since he doesn't have all the info. Ugh. So had to write emails, call, message and do what ever it is to persuade two of them to return me with something!

By lunch time, voice was getting hoarse. After lunch, had some talk with team members that lasted for another hour or two.

Within the next half hour after that, can't even clear throat properly because the sound that came out sounded very much like croaks. Hmm.

By dinner time, I was handicapped. Wanted to order fish soup but had to point repeatedly and tried to whisper to the uncle before he finally got what I wanted.

Day 2, can only whisper. Still can't take MC 'coz there were two scheduled meetings. So had to ask my colleagues to help to present. And still needed to get the information back from the external parties, so more emails and sms exchanges. At night, wanted to order the 3-in-1 from Mr Bean. Stood at the counter and realised there wasn't a picture that I could point to. So had to try whispering it out. Hard but still managed to purchase the right item at the end.

Laryngitis is a humbling experience. It's pretty frustrating when there's some misconception/views that you'd like to correct but can't since people needed double the effort to understand what you're trying to say in the first place. Things that one does easily, for example ordering food in public, has now becomes a not so easy task.

Today is Day 3, and still haven't gotten back my voice. Learning how to deal with it. But yet, still can't take MC because submission deadline was today. Haha, why did I leave my 'retired' life...