

07 April, 2007

fruit juice

There I was, standing in line at Yew Tee Food Court's fruit juice drink stall. An auntie in front of me ordered orange pineapple juice, so I said I'd like one of that as well. So I was looking at the juice auntie on how she prepared it. She took a piece of pineapple from the counter and put it inside the blender (which in fact, haven't been washed probably since the beginning of the day 'coz I saw got a lot of fruit dregs in it... -_-''' ), and then she took one orange from one bucket (which I suspect is where they threw those unwanted fruit pieces that they cannot sell one...) and blended those pieces together. So 1 orange + 1 pineapple, and they charge us $2 for it.. geez.

Anyway, it was our choice, so when my turn came, I repeated the order but with a request. I asked innocently, "Auntie, can you replace that one piece of normal pineapple with one piece of Sarawak pineapple?" The auntie looked at me as if I had asked her the most difficult question in the world. Probably she thought I was asking her what's the distance between the moon and the earth...

She blinked, and asked, "What about the orange?" I smiled and said, "Everything same as just now (meaning same as what she had prepared for the earlier customer) but just replace the normal pineapple with the Sarawak pineapple. Then her able assistant blurted, "Ask her to pay $2.50 for it!" I was like... what! The normal pineapple is $0.60 per piece while the Sarawak pineapple is $0.80 per piece. So at most the drink should be at about $2.20, where in the world do they want to charge that extra $0.30 for? Their maths must be really fantastic. The auntie narrowed her brows and said, "我没有办法。。。这黄鹂太贵了,不能焦成汁给你” (translated: I'm bummed... the pineapple (that you requested) is too expensive, I can't make it into juice for you!" I nearly fainted... why is it too expensive? All I wanted was a one for one replacement.. nothing more. 1 piece of $0.60 replace with one piece of $0.80 means only $0.20 extra.. why cannot? I need enlightenment...