

21 January, 2008

recession is breathing down our necks!

Today my colleague was asking whether anything major happened to the world. It's about after lunch and he mumbled something which I couldn't catch. But I guessed that it must've had something to do with shares and stocks as I know he's quite an investor. Didn't put too much thought in it after that, as I was rather busy today.

Reached home at about 9pm and noticed that my adviser for the BRIC fund tried to call me. Then after dinner, my housemate asked how am I affected by the market plunge. Frankly speaking, I don't know. Makes you anxious, I suppose. Is it time to cut the losses? No one knows. He says China will be cooling down the stock market to prevent inflation. Quite true I suppose, as quoted from him "...since market plunge will affect those that plays it while inflation affects EVERYONE". How true.

If China, India are not doing well, then I should contemplate cutting my losses and recover whatever's left of the money. Likely be losing 10% of the total value. So sad right! And angry! and whatever emotions that you can insert #@%&$*!

But who am I to blame. Myself bah... since I never bothered about these kinda things... tsk tsk...

Read about today's stock tumble here.