

21 March, 2008

super mundane

everyday is a routine
day in day out
same old same old




yup, i'm degenerating...

typical day begins at 6.20am
drink kopi, and sleep in bathroom till its time to get dressed
out of the house by 7.30am
walkie walkie to the mrt
then out via Somerset and wait for bus at Midpoint




after half a century has past, the bus will eventually arrive
board an almost empty bus
turn here turn there
while i flip flip 'My Paper'

oh goodie, it has reached Tiong Bahru Plaza
one million people squeeze into the bus
after 2 stops, alight and cross bridge to Cendex









time to knock off, back to home

*repeat process for 5 days in a week

as seen from Midpoint



Hehe... I like your humours :D