

16 October, 2011


Not sure why, but there are adults out there that are still confused between these two words: dateline and deadline.

We shouldn't be too concerned with dateline, since that is the Meridien Greenwich line (which of course, is an imaginary line down the Pacific Ocean on which the day begins and end).

But because our bosses always ask (or rather demands) us to submit certain proposal, complete certain projects by a specific date and time and thus, we should be most concerned with deadlines. Deadline sounds morbid, but yes, deadlines should instill fear and for the person presented with a deadline, we really need to work hard to get it done by then!

But sigh... have you noticed? Do our peers or subordinates nowadays really adhere to deadlines? Maybe that depends on whether there are any rewards or punitive measures in place when a person completes the task on time or after the deadline. In an ideal world, everyone would be working in automatic mode with the assumption that everyone of us wants to do well in our job role.

But then, who's living in an ideal world?