

08 May, 2010

All the Best, Eric!

It's funny.. really it is.. We spent a few years working under the same roof, but never did we go beyond the usual hi's and bye's. As things turned out, we were 'forced' to share the same room for the past weeks (was it 2 or 3 weeks only?), and finally I got to learn more about you...

Of course, that you can eat and eat is a well-known fact! Haha! We know you don't mind us teasing you.. but of course, up to a certain extent and if done in good spirit ;)

Who knew we can talk about aliens, ghosts, human mind and a myriad of stuffs? Who knew we could gang up and spook poor Cathy? (Oops, sorry Cathy.. but it was fun! :P )

Hope you enjoyed your time with us too. All the best, Eric!

thanks for the parting gift!